Friday, May 25, 2007

New Bibles the ATY version and the Erasable

How to make the Bible say anything you want

We have been looking into some new Bibles for people who do not want to see the "hard" verses in the Bible

My wife came up with the Erasable Bible this Bible is fantastic if you find something you don't like you can just erase it.

Another new translation the Bible According to You. The ATY version will be customized to the things you feel are important. God's Love, Nice things done for people and maybe even a few "nice" miracles. That will be the ATY version.

And finally my New Testament Professor Dr. Robertson gave the following list if you cannot afford one of these Bibles. The list is on how to make the Bible say anything you want.

-Begin with your own agenda and then find a concordance to prove that your right
-Pay no attention to context
-Ignore the parts you do not like
-When talking to people who do not know Greek say "in the Greek alot.." You may follow this with any statement that you please
I would like to add to his list
-Find people who agree with your watered down version of the Bible and apply their logic no matter how faulty it may be. For example Jesus didn't really mean "lukewarm" in Revelation 3:16 he was not talking about the Church he was talking about a river..... so don't worry if you are lukewarm
-Say things like that only applied in the New Testament times when hard sayings come up
-Make sure you relate how you "feel" when you read a certain passage

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Serving and Evangelism

I thought this quote from Don Whitney's Book Spiritual Disciplines for a Christian Life was very good. Now just so you know I do have some disagreement with Don on some of the items in his book so this is not an endorsement, rather just a use of a fine quote.

In speaking on serving and I would also put it in Evangelism.

WANTED: Gifted volunteers for difficult service in the local expression of the Kingdom of God. Motivation to serve should be obedience to God, gratitude, gladness, forgiveness, humility and love. Service will rarely be glorious. Temptation to quit place of service will sometimes be strong. Volunteers must be faithful in spite of long hours, little or no visible results, and possibly no recognition except from God in eternity.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Common Objections Part 3

This is what should have aired last Thursday but will end up airing this week.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Witnessing at the Gateway

The Utah team goes out once a week to a local mall to preach the Gospel. This is always a highlight of the week. Lately we have had a young man named Sheldon come and heckle us. He is a Mormon young man who is very deceived. He likes to stick around because his strategy is to keep us talking with him so that we will not talk to others. I find this interesting since that is in line with Satan's plans to thwart Christians from sharing their faith. When they do get them tied up in circular conversations. Well this week I took the bait a good majority of the night and after preaching I ended up talking with this young kid. First he is very bitter towards Christianity, and I explained how he is Anti-Christian as a Mormon. He wanted me to see all of his "proofs" for why he thought the Bible validated what he said. He used the same 5 verses that Mormons have used for 150 years to justify their behavior and their theology. All of these verses are taken out of context, it is almost like they have not understood the Bible. Frankly I did not have much patience after he told me his motive was to tie me up in this meaningless conversation. This poor deceived young man is going to Hell if he continues in his idolatry. We prayed for him at the end and asked him if we could pray with him, he said we had no "authority" to pray for him. So after he tried to make his case for 30 minutes that he was in fact a Christian, by Christian definitions which he is not, he then would not accept a Christian prayer. I am so saddened by this now, he will stand before God one day and be judged for his idolatry and blasphemy. I told him he knew the truth and he chooses to follow his way because it suits him. That stunned him for quite some time. Ultimately that is what it always comes down to. The only difference between a Mormon and an Atheist is the Sin that keeps them from the Savior. A Mormon just loves to violate the 1st 2nd and 3rd commandment, making a god in their "own" image. Although having wrote that and watching the recent debate, many Atheist make themselves a "god" in their "own" image as well. I know I did that, I made a god to suit myself for years until our gracious Lord and Savior saved me.

So I close with a thought and prayer, let my heart continue to be broken for those that have rejected our Lord. Not for humanistic reasons, but because these people are worthy reward for the Lamb that was slain for all those who will Repent and Trust in Jesus Christ.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Denying Atheists

On Way of the Master Radio May 10 hour 1 Todd and crew did a series of clips denying the existence of Brian Sapient, Kelly and their Atheist friends at Rational Response. Here is a video of that as well. I was on the floor laughing and I would also like to deny them here on the blog.

I Andy deny the existence of Brian Sapient, Kelly, Rook and all the people at Rational Response. I do not believe that they are real because everything that has been written about them was by men and men are fallible. I also do not believe in them because I have not seen them touched them or used any other senses to verify tangilbly that they exist. Brian and friends have never done anything for me so they do not exist. In addition many things have been done in Atheist countries by Atheists that are horrible so Atheism cannot be true.

I am not afraid.

God does not believe in Atheists and neither do I.

"The FOOL has said in his heart, 'There is no God'". Psalm 14:1

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Debate with Atheist on ABC

Today during my lunch break I watched the debate between Comfort, Cameron and two Atheists. The Atheist still cannot come up with a new philosophy and they are still trying to make Adolf Hitler a Catholic when he was in fact an Atheist. They use the same argument that many do, in that if God created everything then who created God? Ray did a fantastic job explaining that God exists outside of time and therefore does not need then to be created because he is outside of creation. However as usual the Atheist want to deny any concept of a God who would require anything of them. They deny a moral lawgiver and essentially that they even have a conscience. How can you be alone with someone who denies their conscience, that is a scary thought. These are the people who are killing one another in the name of Evolution which is yet another belief system.

There is a part 2 that will air tomorrow online, I do wonder if Ray and Kirk got the opportunity to shoot down the very thing that made these guys popular. They run the Blasphemy Challenge on Youtube and their website. This is where they deny the Holy Spirt and in some instances Jesus and God the Father. However, they have a poor hermeneutic in their interpretation of the passage Mark 3:28-29. This does not mean that if you video tape yourself saying you do not believe in the Holy Spirit that you are now unforgivable. It is saying that those that die without being filled with the Holy Spirit or being Born Again will go to Hell forever. So you can say what you want today on Youtube. You may be repenting for it later. It is only a one way ticket to Hell if you continue that way until you die. God wants all those who are perishing even the blasphemers, Liars, thieves, etc. to REPENT and put their trust in Jesus Christ alone who will make them new creatures in Christ.

Well like usual these Atheist will likely continue to Spit at the Sun in an attempt to raise their own status.

Spiderman 3 Gospel?

This is from the Pyromaniacs Blog

The Gospel in Spider-Man 3
by Dan Phillips

It isn't there.
What this is. This will be a spoiler-free reflection on some themes from the gargantuan smash movie Spider-Man 3. If you abhor spoilers as much as I, you can read safely, as I've fuzzed and vagued everything up sufficiently to discuss without ruination.

Background. I read Spider-Man comics from the start, and enjoyed them. I enjoyed the poorly-animated cartoon series less, and eventually just traveled away from comics. So I'm no expert on the Spider-Man "canon" since the late '60's, probably.

I liked the first movie, but I loved the second. I found it actually a very decent drama, whose protagonist just happened to be a super-hero. It had heart, comedy, action, conflict, pathos — very difficult to believe that the same man behind The Evil Dead (—not recommended!) helmed these movies.

But above all, it had Tobey Maguire, a fine actor who puts a believable, likable, fully-dimensional human being in the spandex suit. Some actors can't do justice to the words written for them; Maguire's face and body-language are so expressive, the words are almost more for our benefit. It didn't hurt that the supporting cast, both friend and foe, has always been equally strong.

Each movie has also had a moral center, such as the theme that "with great power comes great responsibility."

Spider-Man 3. This third movie in the franchise is no exception. In fact, it does a good bit of moralizing, while serving up all the other elements as well. Director Sam Raimi works wonderfully well with his talented actors to make very believable personal moments amid the heart-pounding action. But it's the moralizing that you and I will pause to consider.

This movie has themes of the folly of pride, of the agony of prioritizing, of the dangers of popularity; of vengeance, sin, forgiveness, and even arguably redemption. It features an American flag and a cross, at critical moments.

From a Christian perspective, what's not to love?

There certainly is a lot to like, and the enthusiastic reviewer for Christian Spotlight (warning: spoilers) says "As far as morals go, that is the strongest thing about 'Spider-Man 3' and all of the films in this series." She sees one of the main character embodying Romans 12:21 — "Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good." She gives the movie a moral rating of "Better than average," and with that I wouldn't disagree.

You feel a "but" coming, don't you? Here it is:

But the morals are groundless, and thus the forgiveness is man-centered and meaningless.

Before someone says (as someone always must say) the obvious, let me do it first: it isn't a Christian movie. Duh! Thanks! I agree! (A thousand pairs of hands move back from the keyboard, disappointed.)

Indeed, my expectations of Hollywood (I started to type "Hollowwood") are such that I'm plenty happy when a movie's morals are in any way Christianward. From that perspective, there is a lot to like in all three Spider-Man movies.

But get this:

At a pivotal moment, one major character intones words to this effect: "First, you must do the hardest thing. You must forgive yourself."

Ah. And there it all is, in a nutshell.

All of the "crimes" and "sins" in these movies are sins against man in the eyes of man. Which means they are not sins at all. (Douglas Wilson, whose greatest fan I've admittedly not been, makes this point wonderfully well in the opening of his debate with Christopher Hitchens.) No right and wrong, no sin. No sin, no forgiveness. No forgiveness, no hope. No hope, no purpose. Man the measure of all things = man the destroyer of all things.

And so while Spider-Man borrows heavily from Christian themes and imagery, it leaves out the central facet: it leaves out the Gospel. It leaves out the infinite-personal God who, as D. A. Carson says it so well, "is always the wronged Party in every sin."

It is just as plain and as true as that: if there is no God, there can be no sin, really. There can only be behavior that this group of people doesn't like... although that group of people actually likes it very much. So who's to say what is right and wrong?

We need to have our collective faces slapped by the starkness of David's outrageous confession, "Against you, you only, have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight" (Psalm 51:4a).

What! God only? The title of the psalm tells us that David was writing on the occasion of Nathan nailing him over his sin against Uriah, with Bathsheba. What of Uriah, then, for one? What of Bathsheba, sinned against as surely as sinned with? What of the nation? What of the child? God only? Madness!

"Madness" in the eyes of the man-centered, to be sure. But if there is no God, if there is no transcendent Law of God, then there is no sin. All we have is evolution playing itself out. We have one powerful collection of molecules using another collection of molecules to the loss of an inferior collection of molecules. There can be no basis for anything meaningful. Vanity, vapor, meaninglessness. Chasing after wind. No sin.

And certainly no forgiveness, and certainly no redemption.

But this is the world. It desperately wants what Christianity has to offer — but finds the price too high.

"Price?" you say. "But... say, you aren't going wobbly on sola gratia, are you, Phillips?"

Never. Never! The price is not an exchange. It is a consequence. If there is a real God of a god, such as the God of the Bible, then there is only one God. And if there is only one God, then it can't be me. Admit that He is God, and I of necessity admit that I am not.

And this, the abnegation of delusions of deity, the world will not have. The world bought the lying line in the Garden (Genesis 3:5), and it has been buying it — and selling it! — ever since. It is hopelessly tangled and snared in a web of its own weaving.

Yet here is the grand, tragic irony: it is only a real God of a god who can damn sin as sin, and sinners as sinners. It is only a real God of a god who can devise such a plan as the Plan of Redemption that finds its consummation in Jesus Christ. It is only a real God of a god who can pay the price justice demands to secure the forgiveness that grace and mercy would offer (Romans 3:19-26).

So, you see, my objection isn't so much against Spider-Man 3 which, as movies go, is a very good, fun movie.

My real objection is against the world, that shrinks in horror from the genuine Gospel of God, offering in its place the cheap, plastic, imitation, non-gospel that is the best it can provide.

And its best is so poor!

Conclusion: Spider-Man 3 is a fun, expertly-done movie. It contains a nice bit of moralizing. It preaches an appalling sermon.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Objections to Christianity Part 2

Thursday, May 3, 2007

ABC to Reschedule Debate with an Atheist

From the WOTM Newsletter.
ABC Reschedules Debate About God
Please remember to pray for Kirk and Ray as they debate two atheists in New York for ABC television this Saturday. The debate will be filmed for Nightline in New York City, and will be streamed LIVE on their website on Wednesday, May 9. This notice is to let you know the network recently changed the streaming time from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 pm EST.We would be grateful if you would forward this newsblast all over the internet. This is a wonderful opportunity for the gospel. We will send out another blast next week with more details. Thank you.
Actor Kirk Cameron and best-selling author Ray Comfort will square off with two atheists in New York on Saturday, May 5. ABC originally planned to stream the 90-minute debate LIVE on their website, but decided to reschedule the broadcast to capture a larger audience. They will broadcast the entire debate on on Wednesday, May 9 at 2:00 p.m. EST. The debate will be moderated by Martin Bashir, and on May 9 a shortened version of the debate will be aired on Nightline also on Wednesday 9th.
Comfort -- who claims he can prove the existence of God, scientifically, without mentioning faith or the Bible -- stated, "The network originally offered me only four minutes to present my case. After speaking with Kirk and conferring with the atheists, they settled on 13 minutes. I'm ecstatic. I can prove the existence of God in that amount of time.
"We are very grateful to ABC for taking this courageous step," Comfort continued. "As far as we know, nothing like this has ever been done before. ABC's website is already the 7th most visited news site, with 19 million visitors every month. But with more than 177 million people in the U.S. who call themselves Christians, we are sure that it will draw an even larger viewing audience. Is there actually evidence for God? That's the most important question any of us will ever consider."
Cameron added, "We are excited that the network has decided to do this, because we have something very relevant to present. Most people think that belief in God is simply a matter of blind faith, and that His existence can't be proven. We will not only prove that God exists, but as an ex-atheist I'll show that the issue keeping so many people from believing in God -- Darwinian evolution -- is completely unscientific. It's a fairy-tale for grownups."
The debate came about after ABC ran a story in January about hundreds of atheists videotaping themselves blaspheming the Holy Spirit.
"But," Comfort continued, "there is something more sinister here than a few people not believing in God. Why would so many be so bitter against Christianity in particular? Why aren't they making videos that blaspheme Buddha or Mohammed or Ghandi? We made our own video clip and posted it on to expose why.
As of May 2 there is still an opportunity for people to join in the debate, by submitting questions that will be passed on to the panelists. ABC will limit the live audience to 100 people, evenly divided between atheists and believers. For further information, contact

Christianity is a Doctrine and a Life

Bill Mckeever sent out an email with this as part of the signature and I love this quote so I thought I would share.

“The growth of ignorance in the Church is the logical and inevitable result of the false notion that Christianity is a life and not also a doctrine; if Christianity is not a doctrine then of course teaching is not necessary to Christianity. But whatever the causes for the growth of ignorance in the Church, the evil must be remedied. It must be remedied primarily by the renewal of Christian education in the family, but also by the use of whatever other educational agencies the Church can find. Christian education is the chief business of the hour for every earnest Christian man. Christianity cannot subsist unless men know what Christianity is...” -- Gresham Machen

This paragraph is so profound, I am going to re-read it two or three more times.