Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Dear Mr. President


Thomas Rasmussen said...
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Andy said...


Always a lively conversation with you.. sorry for the delay I have been busy.

Obama is responsible for his votes while in Illinois, and for the Supreme Court Justices that he appoints, but he is also responsible for being the humane in thought action and deed as the leader of our country. He does set precedence and he does have an affect, so I will partner with him only to stop the murder of innocent babies not reduce them.

If he was so interested in reducing them then he would have passed the legislation that has been in front of him while he was in Illinois, but as you have seen the guy talks out of both sides of his mouth. Sorry I know you put a lot of faith in him.......

Thomas Rasmussen said...
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Thomas Rasmussen said...
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Thomas Rasmussen said...
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Andy said...
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Andy said...


Dont get me wrong I want to reduce them to the point that they are no more, but my issue with Obama is he says nothing is wrong with abortion, if that is the case then why is he trying to reduce them? Doesn't that imply that there is something wrong with abortion? Do you believe he thinks it is murder? I just want him to hold to principals, not waning political agendas, that was my point.

Thomas Rasmussen said...
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Lyricsdad said...

Andy is right, didymus. The only acceptable solution is the complete and total elimination of abortion. Yes, people will still get their back alley surgeries but that is as it should be.

Murder is done in the dark and in disgrace. The murder of the unborn should be no different.

John Wayne Gacey did not get to lay in a sterile room with MUZACK piped in to keep him calm while he destroyed life and neither should our modern day, politically correct killers.

Abortion is murder of the highest degree and until it is made illegal and punishable as what it is, I for one will not be satisfied and no amount of fluffy meet in the middle political floundering will appease me.

Thomas Rasmussen said...
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Lyricsdad said...

you know, didymus, it is that kind of attitude that is the problem.

Let's not kill 100, let's only kill 60. No, let's go for zero.

I know you are emergent and that lends itself well to the middle ground of stand for nothing, but I am not going to pander.

Like the whole election. I for one don't feel that voting for the "lesser of two evils" was the best choice. Better to go for the one who is 100 percent and trust God then to weaken moral standings.

So while you and your liberal buddies are cooing for the lies of such as barack, hillary, and biden, and believing the drivel of making abortion safe, legal, and rare, I will sift through the deciept, stand for what God says in His Word and oppose all who are not in line with it.

Abortion is murder of the highest degree and even one baby being slaughtered is too many.

Thomas Rasmussen said...
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Lyricsdad said...

It figures you would say such a thing. So you would jump into bed with satan so you could save a few?

Kinda scary. or would you just have a "conversation" about it all?

No, I will fight until ALL babies are protected. I will not pander to someone who wants to only kill some.

Your pragmatism is disturbing.

Thomas Rasmussen said...
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Unknown said...

I do not, but have been there. I personally am part of a church plant in West Jordan.
