Amazing, I will say it again amazing! We were fortunate and blessed to be able to draw a huge crowd to hear the Gospel! We had a mannequin draped in a sheet laying on the ground, which gave passers-by a powerful visual of the ultimate statistic~ ten out of ten people die. This led to the perfect conversation starter – “What will happen to YOU when you die?” We were getting into many One 2 One conversations from the get go, and had many people stay for hours to discuss eternity. Cole, Terry and Becky’s small group came and also got into some amazing conversations. You would think by this point God had blessed us enough….and then the entire Logan team came down and they jumped right into the battle. Twenty-eight people sharing the Gospel on a busy Friday night at the Gateway ~it was amazing! We had people everywhere ~there were hundreds of people coming through hearing the Gospel and all the One 2 One’s going on. What a huge blessing. God was working and the battle was raging right there at the Gateway. We had a return heckler show up and had a few hard-hearted people verbally persecute us as well as our beloved Savior. One heckler was a Mormon named Chase who we spoke with for a long time. Please pray that the scales would come off of his eyes. We also got to meet Ricardo from
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This truly was an amazing night. The spiritual warfare was raging. It was hand to hand combat with the enemy. This encourages me to no end. When the enemy is having a tantrum and riling up those who still are in his deception, we know that the work we are doing is having an impact. I am so very thankful for the Logan group. What a testimony to the amazing drawing and sanctifying work of our Lord in that these people would get on a bus for a two hour drive, each way, to come and spend a couple of hours doing the work that God has called them to. I only wish that more would take our great commission seriously enough to forego comfort to reach out to the lost.
Keeping on praying.
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