I do not think these folks are reading the Shack or being Emergent in their thinking. So much of America loves these Eastern Philosophies that we see in India, do they really know how Hindus treat Christians? I highly recommend you sponsor a Missionary in Gospel For Asia.
"India is in a scary situation," says Gospel for Asia President K.P. Yohannan. "While violence continues in Orissa, on India's east coast, anti-Christian extremists have unleashed another wave of attacks on Christians in Karnataka, a state on India's west coast......On Sunday, Hindu mobs rushed into churches and prayer centers of many different denominations in Karnataka, attacking Christians during their times of worship. The extremists then destroyed the church buildings and their properties. At least 11 churches were destroyed, including at least one led by Gospel for Asia missionaries.
Abortion: Is It a Woman’s Choice?
23 hours ago
No I just find it irksome that self proclaimed "Christians" can deny any doctrine they want, vote for a man who obviously could care less about babies, distort theology, and then say that they did it all for post modern relevancy..... When in actuality what I see is that they are no different then the Fundamental Christians they allegedly disagree with because an emergent as far as I can see is just Fundamentally Emergent. They are just ascribing to different things just as hard. They absolutely deny "absolute truth", which is an absolute in itself.
Didymus the more I read Emergent Blogs the more I see the disdain that unbelievers have shown the Church in this Post Modern Era. They do not see these Emergent thinkers as "relevant" they see them as the same as them. This diminishes the Gospel and the "relevancy" in its difference to the world. I also see lots of finger pointing and "Pharisee Hunter" mentality and many jump on the bandwagon. You guys then all reaffirm one another to be consistently abstract and obscure. All the while pushing your own agenda which I must say has no Biblical Parallel that I can see whatsoever. You all rationalize voting for a man that is the most Pro Abortion person to run for the Executive Branch EVER, you poke fun at other Christians for believing in the Bible, caring about the sanctity of life and you act superior with your $2 words and book studies that are essentially there to tear down the Christian faith. So no you do not get under my skin, just up my nose.
Wow, Andy.
Very concise and to the point. Don't think I could have said it better.
There is a battle for the souls of men and the lives of these innocent babies and the propaganda machine is alive and well right inside the walls of the so called Church.
You expect it from the unbelievers, but not from those who 'claim' to follow Christ.
I am so saddened that you can't see the irony and hypocrisy of the "emergent" cult. You are justifying them at the expense of Biblical truth. You seem to suffer from what I call Spiritual Bulemia. You take in the word of God on such a superficial level then just vomit it up and never let it nourish you,feed your soul, or change your mindset to align with the clear teachings of Christ. You have a distorted view of who God is and what he's capable of and for that I dread the day you see Him face to face. My heart sincerely aches for your soul, Didymus. It doesn't seem to matter how much Scripture gets quoted to you - it just ends up in the toilet of relevance. Brian McClaren and all his emergent followers flushing truth down the drain telling you that you look healthy! Andy and Leonard can try to tell you how emaciated you are and how much they worry for your salvation, but you have the rose colored glasses of Spiritual Bulemia on and looking in the mirror you see something very different from reality. Seriously dude - these guys aren't making any money selling you on a lie from "cultured" books they write! Keep thinking you are ok and it will eventually overtake you. Emergent leaders have clearly proclaimed that Jesus would be ok with homosexuality and the murder of innocent children plucked from their mother's inconvenient wombs for an easy 400 bucks. Cuz Jesus loves everybody, right? And nobody should be unhappy or put out! Did they tell you to just take a sharpie and black out all the verses that talk about the fiery pit of hell, the lake of fire, the weeping and gnashing of teeth. Just tear out the entire book of Job because it will take you too long to black out the suffering he endured. The emergent worldview lines up perfectly with that of pagans. The only real difference between an emergent "Christian" and an honest unbeliever is a modest use of church terminology and a generous false attachment to the Bible, which takes a backseat to such cleverly titled works of art like the bestselling "Velvet Elvis". The only reason the Bible gets mentioned is to misuse its authority. You are following wolves in sheeps clothing.
You are going to waste away spiritually. If you don't acknowledge your disease you will never seek to get well. So ask yourself, is the warm fuzzy feeling of having cool friends, relevant happy thinking, and having your ears tickled in this lifetime worth where you will be spending eternity? God is prompting you Didymus or you would simply be chiming in praises on the culture blogs rather than trying to get Andy and Leonard to engage with you. Humble yourself and face the truth. I did. I won't tell you its easy - but it is unequivocably worth it to know truth and experience a relationship with God based upon that. It tops every joy in life.
Your response proves the point I am making, which is that you are sadly deceived and just can't see it. My prayer is for you to be humbled and freed from whatever is keeping you tied to heretical thinking, and I don't know what it is - a church, pastor, friends, family member - I don't know you and have no idea - only you do! For God to draw you to Him so that you embrace truth, even if it means losing everything important to you rather than recoiling from it and missing out on redemption. By being defensive you keep yourself from looking at truth objectively. You push away every comment made under the shield that everyone is attacking you. You get on this blog to defend emergent theology every chance you get all the while claiming to be a Christian? Sorry, the two just don't match up. Read this carefully so you don't miss what I am saying. I do not demand or call for you to repent - but THE BIBLE sure DOES! The Bible says you will perish in hell for eternity if you do not repent. While I do not know you, I know that you defend exactly what the Bible says to rebuke. So be grateful that bold Christians care enought about you to repeatedly attempt to get you to see truth. Believe me Didymus, no one gave Andy a tougher time than I did before I came to realize I was a fool. I would call myself a Christian believing in man-made lies over anything the Bible said prior to being saved. If you are not seeking out truth and bold people to challenge the way you think - why are you wasting your time blogging on HFTL? I sure am thankful the Lord is patient.....
And your lack of a concise response to Anythingbutlukewarm, make great examples of how the fog that you mire yourself in, truly has nothing to offer.
I just thought you had more ability to engage in conversation than you have demonstrated lately, you are just dodging now, and you set up pejorative comments like "there is nothing worth responding to" which is really just disguised ad hominem and then you feel free not to respond.
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